The print advert for unisex scent CK2 have represented youth as being adventurous and sexually driven, gender as having a strong divide between masculine and feminine traits and sexuality as being a normal thing that ought to be explored. The product has a target audience of youth aged 16-25 of both genders.
The print advert for Axe Anarchy, which comes for him and for her, have represented youth as being very sexually driven and gender as having clear role for men and women. The product has a target audience of youth aged 16-25 of both genders.
In my own production I wish to explore representations of youth, gender and ethnicity in a positive way that is appealing to my target audience of youth aged 16-25 of both genders. To do this my adverts will feature male and a female models all around the age of 17 and of different ethnicities. There will be an element of attraction shown between them.
Using what I have learnt form the adverts surrounding representation in print advertising surrounding youth, gender, ethnicity and sexuality, I have decided to explore the representations of youth, gender and ethnicity in a way that will appeal to my target audience in my own production.
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