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My magazine cover: Edition 1

My magazine contents page: Edition 1

My magazine cover: Edition 2

My magazine contents page: Edition 2

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Video Games and Me

I play video games at home on my own, occasionally on weekends and in the evening, however I play very often in the holidays. I mostly use a Nintendo 3DS, playing games like Supermario, MarioKart, Pokemon and the Lego Games (currently The Lord of the Rings). I occasionally play MarioKart on the Wii if I am with friends. In the past I have played similar games on the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo 64. I play if I am bored and need something to do, as it is fun and engaging.

1 comment:

  1. A nice, short summary, Abbie – you give a couple of examples to why YOU have played games, but try to challenge yourself to expand your writing and reflect on larger media themes like audience pleasures.
