In this post, I shall outline the demands of the brief and state how I am going to respond to them in my own production.
The product is the
first two editions of a new fashion magazine. It is being produced by an independent production company and launched by Bauer and is intended to be sold in retailers. Its target audience is a culturally sophisticated, 16-25 class AB demographic and this must be reflected in the diverse range of fashion issues and styles included in the magazine. There must also be a website that promotes the magazine to the target audience and enables them to interact with the content. There must be a clear sense of branding across the two products.
two magazine covers and contents pages must include:
- four different main images,
- using original photography,
- editing of photos, text, graphics, typography and layout,
- written text including masthead, cover lines, selling lines, headlines, caption, subtitles and copy,
- a different setting for each cover,
- different material on each contents page,
- at least two models from at least two different social groups,
- a call to action pointing readers to the website.
The website homepage and linked page must include:
- at least two original images that promote and reinforce the brand identity of the magazine,
- appropriate conventions of website design,
- text introducing the main features of the online website,
- working links from the homepage to the other page,
- a range of appropriate media techniques,
- original audio or audio-visual content.
Below is an overview of my response to the brief and some of the decisions that I have made surrounding my own production.
Title: Spotlight
Tagline: One to watch
My magazine will be inclusive of all genders, with focus on power, pride and independence as well as including a range of ethnicity and sexuality, making the magazine a true representation of diversity.
Independent Production Company: AR Magazines
Focused on creating high quality magazines with unique and exciting features that break from traditional ideals of print media.
Overview of Magazine Issue 1
My first magazine issue will be the culture issue and will feature a MCU of an Asian male model in a suit, looking directly into the camera. He will be on a plain colour background with a gradient. The headline will include an intertextual reference to the film 'Crazy Rich Asians', as the model is an actor in the film and the cover lines will be focused on fashion with a reference to a female presence in order to present the magazine's unisex nature. The contents page will include cover lines that follow the theme of the culture issue and these will be sorted into four sections; On the Cover, Fashion, Beauty and News. The contents page will have three images; one of an Asian female against a wall background, one of the same male found on the cover of the magazine and a final image of an item of clothing. Both cover and contents page will have a clear and sophisticated style and will share the same fonts and masthead. Below is the inspiration for my first cover.
Overview of Magazine Issue 2
My second magazine issue will be the talent issue and will feature a MCU of female model in a black shirt, looking directly into the camera. She will be on a plain colour background. The headline will include a reference to emerging talent in fashion design and photography, as the model is a promising female photographer and the cover lines will be focused on fashion with a reference to a male presence in order to present the magazine's unisex nature. The contents page will include cover lines that follow the theme of the talent issue and these will be sorted into four sections; On the Cover, Fashion, Beauty and News. The contents page will have two images; one of the same female found on the cover of the magazine and another image of an item of clothing. Both cover and contents page will have a clear and sophisticated style and will share the same fonts and masthead. Below is the inspiration for my second cover.
Overview of my Magazine's Homepage
My magazine website's homepage will include the magazine's masthead at the top of the page to clearly establish the Spotlight identity. Beneath this there will be buttons, which lead to my websites other pages and links to the magazine's social media pages. There will be three articles on this page, each with an image, a headline and copy. The first will be an article about the cover star of the first magazine issue, the second will be on the LGBT+ community and fashion, and the final one will be on the latest fashion brand releases. Below is the home page that has inspired my own.
Overview of my Magazine's Second Page
My Magazine website's second page will be the website's fashion page and will include the magazine's masthead at the top of the page to clearly establish the Spotlight identity. There will be a large banner underneath navigation bar, introducing it as the fashion page. There will be two articles that link to each other on this page, each with a headline and copy. The first will be an article on street style, with images of three models and the second will be audio-visual content in the form of a behind the scenes video of the above article. Below is the fashion page that has inspired my own.
Digital Convergence and Brand Identity
My production will be digitally convergent due to the integrated nature of all of my online spaces, they will all link to each other. They will also link by including the same images and articles so they will be working together synergistically in order to create media storm around the articles. They will also share articles that are found in the magazine, and the front cover of the current issue will be available to view on all online platforms to encourage the audience to purchase the magazine. My production will show a strong sense of brand identity through the use of a minimalist style across all of the products and through the use of the same masthead on all of my print and online products. The brand identity of challenging the norms of cultural expectations, such as the break from 'white beauty' in my first issue, will also be present in all of my products, clearly showing the brands values. Below are some examples of digital convergence that have inspired my own production.